Access Control Locks

What is

Access Control Locks

We can introduce convenience and flexibility to every checkpoint while tracking entry without physically being there.

This Solution Will Allow You To

  • Customize Access Schedules
  • Batch Schedules
  • Create and View Custom eAudit Reports
  • Monitor Staff & Contractors
  • Create Automations
  • Use With Any Device That Has Internet Access

Monitor From Anywhere At Anytime

The software can be accessed through web browsers on desktops, laptops, smart phones, or tablets. e Audit is the software suite for management of wireless lock systems of all sizes. The software allows you to assign wireless keys, set expiration’s, add new wireless cylinders, monitor staff and contractors, create access schedules, and generate electronic audit trails & custom reports.

Manage Schedules

Administrators can create customized access schedules for each individual wireless key holder or batch schedule entire departments.

Generate Reports

System administrators can create and view custom audit reports on access activity and create automatic email notifications on specific events.